The noble coats of arms on display represent further traces of the history of Avezzano before the 1915 earthquake. Among these, Francesco Belmaggio identified the coats of arms by Marcantonio Di Pietrantonio, from 1596, by Tiberio Felli,  perhaps those of the Resta and Cerri families.

Overall, it can be argued that in the rarefaction of pre-earthquake historical evidence, these ancient symbols local nobility are worth to testify a past of which you it is hard to imagine ways and forms.

1 – Felli family coat of arms.

Tiberio Felli from Avezzano, Knight of Charles V, Councilor of the court of Naples, he served under Julius II with Fabrizio Colonna. For his merits had by the Emperor increased the coat of arms with the eagle imperial.

2- Unknown coat of arms.

 3 – Coat of arms, the Resta family.

4 – Coat of arms, Marcantonio di Pietrantonio family (1596).

5 – Unknown coat of arms.

6 – Unknown coat of arms.

7- Unknown coat of arms.

8 – Unknown coat of arms.

9- Coat of arms, Felli family.

10- Coat of arms, Cerri family.

11 – Unknown coat of arms.